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eMAG Connect

eMAG Connect is a new opportunity to meet each other, to present you our plans for the growth of this business ecosystem, and in which the representatives of the eMAG top management come to bring you more information, to support you create your own planning, preparation and promotion of your commercial strategy, practiced by you on the eMAG Marketplace platform.

Below you will see the answers to the most frequently asked questions about how you can participate at this event:


  • How can I attend the online event?
    • Access to the online platform, where you can view the event, is made only by registration through the online form and prior confirmation. The event is created exclusively for eMAG Marketplace sellers, and only several representatives of the same company can register for the online event.
  • How do I access the event online?
    • After you have received the online participation confirmation, on the day of the event you can enter the website and you will be able to view the presentations online, according to the agenda. For logging in, you will use the data you provided in the registration form.

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  • Who can I talk to if I need technical support in the platform?
    • For technical support related to the online event platform, please write us an email at and we will reply as soon as possible.
  • If I log out by mistake, can I reconnect?
    • Yes you can reconnect using the same data you registered with on the form.
  • How many devices are allowed to connect a user?
    • The platform does not allow a user to connect to multiple devices simultaneously.


  • Where can I see the agenda?
    • The agenda will be present on the event website and is also sent by email to the participating sellers.
  • If I missed a presentation, can I view it later?
    • The event is not recorded and will not be broadcast later. We recommend that you reserve the necessary time in your calendar to not miss any information.
  • How can I ask questions?
    • You can use the to ask questions. Follow the code during the event to enter the dedicated section.

Pentru mai multe informații, te așteptăm în Mesagerie, iar dacă dorești să discuti despre oportunități de creștere, te așteptăm în grupul de Facebook.