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Calendarul campaniilor – Septembrie 2024

Urmareste planul campaniilor ce vor avea loc in luna septembrie si planifica-ti strategia de business: Romania Campanii cu mecanism de voucher​ ➡️ Oferta Zilei​​ Oferta Zilei 1 - 30 septembrie Descarca aici lista de categorii eligibile. Data campanieCategorii promovateValoarea minima a voucherului oferitValoarea minima a produselor din campanie, in cadrul cosului de cumparaturi (RON)Data limita incarcare oferte1.09Fashion10%15025.0823:00Media & Office SuppliesSport & Travel2.09Beauty10%10025.0823:00FashionHome consumablesMedia & Office SuppliesSport & TravelToys5.09Auto10%8027.0823:00Consumer Electronics (CE)FashionHome consumablesHome & DecoMedia & Office SuppliesSport & Travel6.09Beauty10%10028.0823:00Domestic Appliances (DA)FashionHome consumablesSport & Travel7.09DIY10%10029.0823:00Home consumablesHome & DecoToys8.09Fashion10%15029.0823:00Media & Office SuppliesSport & Travel9.09Beauty10%10029.0823:00FashionHome consumablesMedia & Office SuppliesSport & TravelToys10.09Consumer Electronics (CE)10%40/100/15001.0923:00Domestic Appliances (DA)100/50011.09Consumer…

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