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How to use the Import XLS section

In this tutorial you will learn about the Import Excel menu with all the options available here, for quick filtering of results.

Using the XLS files available in the Products menu, Product Categories section, you can quickly upload a large volume of products, or you can update your current offers based on price, stock or documentation.

If you access the Import Excel menu, a new page will open where you can see the list of your imports on the eMAG Marketplace platform so far.

.XLS file specifications:

The maximum number of files that can be processed simultaneously within 30 minutes is 3 files.

If you try to upload a fourth file while the other three are still “In processing” status, you will receive an error message.

The maximum size of the file should not exceed 5MB

The maximum number of rows in the file you are trying to upload to the platform should not exceed 30,000 rows.

Careful! If you try to upload a file exceeding the above limits, the import status will be ” Import failed”.

The filter area at the top of the page allows you to display only those imports you need based on several criteria:

  • User – filters results based on the user who made the import of the file.
  • Date – you can select the period in which you made the import and display only the results that fall within the range you choose.
  • Import type – displays the results depending on the type of the import you are looking for: Product documentation, Offer Update, Attach offers or Promotions.

  • Import status – filters the results according to the status of the uploaded files. Possible statuses of files are: Invalid upload file, In Processing, Import Successful import, Partial import, Import Failed, Duplicate import or Technical error.

Select one or more filters to find the file of interest to you and click the Search button. The results will be filtered according to your selections, and if you want to return to the standard display click on the Reset button.

Below, in the list of imports you can see the history of the imports you have made so far and the details of each uploaded file.

  • Id – represents the unique identifier of each import on the eMAG Marketplace platform.
  • Date – displays the date and time each file was imported.
  • User – the name of the user who made changes or imported products through the .xls file usually it displays the name of your company.
  • File name – displays the name you assigned to the uploaded file.
  • Import type – indicates the type of import you made, which can be updating product documentation, product offer update, or attaching other offers by association of PNK or EAN.
  • Import status – shows you the status assigned to each .xls file after uploading it to the eMAG Marketplace platform.
  • Processed – here you can quickly see the total number of products added or updated successfully.
  • Errors – shows you the number of products in the file which were not added due to errors found.
  • Warnings – here you see the total number of rejected products for which you have been notified.
  • Actions – contains the option to download the .xls file so that you can see the errors that prevented the successful upload of your products, when the import was partial or failed.

Also, above the import list, you have four quick options for uploading and generating .xls files, which you can also find in the Product Categories section.

These are:·

  • XLS upload – access this button and upload your product file to the eMAG Marketplace platform.
  • Update offers – generates the specific file for updating the offers of your products, depending on their category.
  • Update prices – pressing this button will generate the file for updating the prices of your products in the selected category.
  • Update stocks – generates the stocks update file, from products of a certain category.

If you encounter unforeseen situations, we recommend you to use the Message center, select the Contact Marketplace section and ask for the help of our colleagues, depending on the specific department which can fix the situation.

The Go to the Product Categories button directs you to the Products menu, the Product Categories section where you have access to all the file types you can generate for your products.

Here you can quickly download .xls files depending on the categories you have access to.

We invite you to follow the other tutorials in the eMAG Academy section, where you will find out more details on how to add products on the eMAG Marketplace platform, using the import excel option.

Keep up the good work! 



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