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Campaigns Calendar – September 2024

Follow the campaigns' plan that will take place in September and prepare your business strategy: Romania Campaigns with voucher mechanism​ ➡️ Deal of the Day Deal of the Day, 1 - 30 September Download the list of eligible categories.Campaign datePromoted categoriesThe minimum value of the voucher offeredThe minimum value of the products from the campaign, within the shopping cart (RON)Deadline for uploading offers1.09Fashion10%15025.0823:00Media & Office SuppliesSport & Travel2.09Beauty10%10025.0823:00FashionHome consumablesMedia & Office SuppliesSport & TravelToys5.09Auto10%8027.0823:00Consumer Electronics (CE)FashionHome consumablesHome & DecoMedia & Office SuppliesSport & Travel6.09Beauty10%10028.0823:00Domestic Appliances (DA)FashionHome consumablesSport & Travel7.09DIY10%10029.0823:00Home consumablesHome & DecoToys8.09Fashion10%15029.0823:00Media & Office SuppliesSport & Travel9.09Beauty10%10029.0823:00FashionHome consumablesMedia & Office…

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